
2023年4月25日—AmInotspeedingupgifproperly?Afterrecording,IselectallframesthengotoEdit>Scalethen1%.Inoticedthereisn'tasubstantial ...,2022年1月12日—BestQualitySettings·Best·Top·New·Controversial·Old·Q&A.,2023年7月14日—Hello!IneedtocreatesomesuperhighqualitygifswiththisprogramandI'mnotsurethebestsettingsforthat.CurrentlyI'vefoundKGy ...,,2022年8月22日—390subscribersinthescreentogifcommuni...

Am I not speeding up gif properly?

2023年4月25日 — Am I not speeding up gif properly? After recording, I select all frames then go to Edit > Scale then 1%. I noticed there isn't a substantial ...

Best Quality Settings

2022年1月12日 — Best Quality Settings · Best · Top · New · Controversial · Old · Q&A.

How to get best possible quality?

2023年7月14日 — Hello! I need to create some super high quality gifs with this program and I'm not sure the best settings for that. Currently I've found KGy ...

Is the software safe or not? Ran it through file checker ...

2022年8月22日 — 390 subscribers in the screentogif community. ScreenToGif is a screen recorder that allows you to edit and save your recordings as a gif or ...

Is this executable safe?

2019年11月12日 — I want to try it for academic porpuses but wouldn't want my screen being shared to some site online. This program has online features or on the ...

Just recommending ScreenToGif to make gameplay gifs.

2021年8月14日 — Just recommending ScreenToGif to make gameplay gifs. ... It's a nifty little software that some folks here recommended to me. Thought I'd spread ...


r/screentogif: ScreenToGif is a screen recorder that allows you to edit and save your recordings as a gif or video.

Screen recording software to generate gifs

2022年12月23日 — Looking for software ideally for windows and Mac that can record the screen or sections and output a GIF so I can share via email, text, etc.

ScreenToGif 2.33.1 螢幕錄影輸出動態圖檔

ScreenToGif 2.33.1 螢幕錄影輸出動態圖檔
